User's Manual

Rev 09
3.3.3 NID – Failure Protection
NID specifies the number of identical transponder numbers, which have to appear for the result “suc-
cessful reading“ within a reading cycle. In the setting NID = 1, two successive readings have to show
the same transponder number.
Input format: NID <SP> parameter <CR>
0 One out of one
1 Two out of two
Output (example): 1 <CR>
Sequence of readings Lenght of the read-
ing cycle
Result of the read-
ing cycle
NoRead 1 reading NoRead
0000125ED1, 0000125ED1 2 readings 0000125ED1
0000125ED1, 0000126ED1 2 readings NoRead
3.3.4 INIT – initialization
With the command INIT all paramters of this command set are set to the default values. After that
you can save the settings with the command VSAVE.
Input format: INIT <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>