User's Manual

Output (example): ACK <CR>
0h..FFh block number
5.6.7 LDS – lock DSFID
This command locks the DSFID of a transponder. You have to do a get tag first.
Input format: LDS <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>
5.6.8 RTR – reset to ready
With this command the transponder enteres the ready state. A muted transponder answers again after
this command.
Input format: RTR <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>
5.6.9 WA – write AFI
With this command the reader writes the AFI into the transponder. You have to do a get tag first.
Input format: WA <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>
00h..FFh AFI
5.6.10 WDS – write DSFID
With this command the reader writes the DSFID into the transponder. You have to do a get tag first.
Input format: WDS <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): ACK <CR>