User's Manual

Rev 09
3.3.5 LAA – LED automatic activity
The leds can be controlled by the reader or over the interface. You can set it up with the command LAA.
If the reading settings CN=1, CID=1, CE=1 (when SI=0), MD=0 and LAA=0 are set, the reader beeps
and flashes after successful reading. This setting makes sense when reader is used with HID setting.
Input format: LAA <SP> parameter <CR>
Output (example): 0 <CR>
0 controlled by reader
1 manual controlling
Note: If automatic LED control is active (LAA = 1), it delays processing
the following command until switching the LED is over. If several
reading or writing accesses to the transponder are planed, switch this
function off (LAA = 0).
3.3.6 TSC – time show code
With the command TSC you can define the time in ms, after that the transpondercode is shown again,
when the CID parameter is set to 1. If TSC is 00, the code is not shown a second time.
Input format: TSC <SP> parameter <CR>
Input format (example): TSC <SP> 30 <CR>
Output (example): 30 <CR> => 30 * 100ms = 3000ms = 3 seconds
00 TSC is not active
01..FF TSC time - in 100ms steps