Instruction Manual

Instaltation instructions
Level the washing nnachine by
loosening or tightening the feet.
Accurate levelling prevents vibration,
noise and displacement of the
machine during operation. After
levelling the machine, secure the feet
by tightening the ring nuts.
Some vibration is inevitable,
especially if mounted on a wooden
sprung wooden floors are particularly
susceptible to vibration. For advice,
consult a builder. If possible, always
place the machine on a solid floor.
Please ensure that when the
appliance is installed It is eaSily
accessible for the engineer in the
event of a breakdown.
AM plumbing and efectrical work
required to Install this appliance must
be carried out by competent persons
or qualified plumbers or electricians.
Successful washing and smooth
running of your machine depend on a
series of routine maintenance
operations which should be carried
out from time to time.
Before carrying out any maintenance
or cleaning you MUST disconnect the
appliance from the eiectricity supply.
The water we normally use contains
lime. From time to time, and more
often for hard water, it is a good idea
to use a water softening powder in
the machine. Add this powder
according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. This will prevent the
formation of lime deposits.
After each wash
Leave the door open for a while.
This helps prevent mould and
stagnant smells forming inside the
Externai cieaning
Use soap and water only and then dry
Cleaning the drawer
From time to time the washing
powder and additive dispenser drawer
should be cleaned.
under a tap.
The upper part of the additives
compartment can be removed for
easier cleaning.