User manual

1. Be sure to follow the indications on jumpstarting inside the vehicles‘ opera-
tor’s manuals.
2. Set the parking brake on both vehicles.
3. Set gearstick to neutral, for automatic transmissions to P.
4. Switch off ignition on both vehicles and all devices.
5. Do not disconnect the drained battery from the vehicle’s electrical system.
Place the jumper leads so they will not be tangled in moving parts inside
the engine compartment.
Connect the terminal clamps of the leads in the following order:
1. Positive lead (red) to positive terminal of drained battery.
2. Plus lead (red) to positive terminal of good battery.
3. Negative lead (black) to negative terminal of good battery.
4. Negative lead (black) to a suitable earthing point
(e.g. earth strap or engine block) of vehicle with drained battery.
Caution! Connect this earthing point to the vehicle earth as far away from the
battery as possible to avoid igniting explosive gas which may be present.
1. Start the engine of the good vehicle and run at a medium engine speed.
2. Start the engine of the vehicle with the drained battery
(starting attempt max. 15 seconds — wait at least one minute between
additional attempts to start).
3. After successfully starting the vehicle engine with the drained battery
wait 2 to 3 minutes until it runs smoothly.
Note: before disconnecting the jumper leads the rear and front defrost
should be switched on in the vehicle with the drained battery
(do not switch on vehicle lights).
This will reduce possible voltage spikes whilst disconnecting and prevent
damaging electrical parts.
Disconnect the terminal clamps in the following order:
Caution: when disconnecting the jumper cables, be careful they do not come
into contact with the moving parts of the engine.
1. Negative lead (black) from earth point of vehicle with drained battery.
2. Negative lead (black) from negative terminal of good battery.
3. Positive leads (red) in any order.
After jumpstarting drive the broken-down vehicle for a longer distance to
charge the battery. You may also recharge the battery with a charger.