
The fat filter supplied protects the fan against soiling. It must al
ways be in place when:
- Meat is cooked in uncovered containers using the hot
atf mode (do not insert when baking!);
- During Rotitherm roasting/grilting (on multi-function
ovens oniy) or traditionai griiiing.
How to insert the fat filter:
Hold the fat filter by the handle and insert the two tabs (see illus
trations) into the slots in the back panel of the oven thereby cover
ing the fan opening.
Fat filter
The fat filter must cover the opening completely.
Cleaning the fat filter:
To ciean the oven ail oven controls must be set to the off
position. The fat filter should be cleaned after every use. To re
move the fat filter hold it by the handle and pull upwards,
How to clean the filter, see "Cleaning the fat filter" in this booklet.
The fat filter must only be clipped into the oven when it is totally