
Roasting and stewing
Main oven with hot air
Secondary oven with conventional top and bottom heat.
Wipe and weigh the meat. 11 stuffing is used, weigh the stuffed
joint to calcuiate the cooking time. Place the joint in a suitable
roasting dish, season with sait and pepper and brush lean joints
with melted fat.
When cooking pies, place dish on a baking sheet to avoid spill
age on to the floor of the oven.
The times and temperatures given in the roasting chart provide
a guide when cooking meat. Some adjustments may be nec
essary depending on the type of meat to be cooked, Cooking
times have been given for meat which is at room tempera
Prime cuts can be cooked at higher temperatures than those
which require a longer cooking time to tenderise the meat. A
thick joint will require longer to cook through than a thinner
A boned rolled joint will require a longer cooking time than one
with the bone lett in as bone is a conductor of heat.
A small joint will require longer cooking time per 450 g {1 lb)
than a large one. Allow an extra 30 minutes cooking time for
joints up to and including 1.5 kg (3 lb),
if the joint is cooked in foil the temperature has to be increased
by 10 ‘’C. To brown the joint, remove foil forthe last 15 minutes
or so of the cooking time.
If cooking from frozen, place joint in a covered container and
extend the calculated cooking time by approximately one third.
To brown and crisp meat remove cover for the last 30 minutes
of the cooking period.
and times