User manual

1. Turn off the device.
2. PressandholdtheSETbuttonforapprox.3seconds.The
3. Use the UP and DOWN button to adjust the hours.
4. Press the SET button to confirm.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to set minutes, time display format
(12hr or 24hr), year, day (D), month (M), and display lan-
For the display language you may choose between:
GE = German, FR = French, ES = Spanish, IT = Italian,
NE = Dutch, DA = Danish, RU = Russian, EN = English.
• Theinputisstoredautomaticallywithinapproximately
60 seconds when no button is pressed.
• Witha12hourdisplaythefollowingisdisplayed:
PM = Afternoon
• Settingoftheweekdayisdoneautomatically.
• Ifyouwantthedevicetoperformthesettingsautomati-
Listening to the radio
Adjusting the volume
• AdjustthevolumeusingtheVOL-/VOL+buttons.
NOTE: Important!
The volume can only be adjusted when the “
” symbol
appears in the display.
Scanning stations (manual)
1. Press the RADIO ON/OFF button to switch on the radio.
2. BrieypresstheUPorDOWNbuttonforthedeviceto
• Ifthereisinterferenceonthereceivedstation,tryto
improve the reception by changing the position and by
unwinding or winding the antenna.
• Inordertoadjusttheradiofrequencymanually,press
repeatedly press the UP or DOWN button to set the
Presetting radio stations
1. Search for a station as described in “Scanning stations”.
2. Press the SET button. The pre-set location will be
displayed. Select the pre-set location with the UP or the
DOWN button.
3. Press the SET button to store the station.
Searching stations automatically
Important! Previously stored radio stations will be replaced
by new stations.
1. Turn the device on.
2. PressandholdtheRADIOON/OFFbuttonforapprox.
3 seconds.
3. ThenpressandholdtheSETbuttonforapprox.3sec-
onds. “
” will appear in the display. The device will
search the complete frequency band for radio stations.
Radio stations found are stored according to ascending
frequency. The order cannot be changed afterwards.
Recalling preset radio stations
1. Press the SET button. The preset indicator “MEMO” ap-
pears in the display.
2. Use the DOWN or UP buttons respectively to select the
desired preset position.
Alarm function
Setting the Alarm Time
1. Turn the device off.
2. How would you like to wake up? With buzzer or radio?
Repeatedly press the MODE button.
= Buzzer
The buzzer will sound at the pre-set alarm time. The
volume cannot be adjusted.
• = Radio
The selected radio station will be played at the pre-
set alarm time. The volume increases steadily.
3. PressandholdtheSETbuttonforapprox.3seconds.The
4. Set the hours with the DOWN/UP buttons.
5. Confirm the setting with the SET button.
6. Repeat points 4 and 5 to set the minutes.
7. Activate the alarm time by pressing the UP button. De-
pending on which option you have selected, the buzzer
symbol “ ” or radio symbol “ ” will appear. The
displayed radio frequency can be adjusted later. Refer to
the following chapter.
8. Finally,presstheMODEbuttonorwaitforapprox.
1 minute. The device will then display the clock time.
Selecting radio stations
If you want to wake up with radio, you will have to select a
radio station. Select the station as follows:
1. Turn the device on.
2. Select the desired radio station.
3. PressandholdtheMODEbuttonforapprox.3seconds.
The radio frequency and “
4. Then turn off the device again.