User manual

• Donotmeasurebodytemperaturewithin30minutesaftermeals,exer-
cise or bath.
• Thebodytemperaturemaybeincreasewhiletakingmedicine.
Please don´t measure.
• Inordertoensuretheaccuracyofmeasurementdata,pleasedon´ttake
measurement of body temperature in strong electromagnetic inter-
ference environment (such as microwave, high frequency equipment
operation environment, such as answering the phone).
• Whentheenvironmentchangesalot(forinstance,fromindoortoout-
door), please wait in the new environment for about 30 minutes before
measuring the new temperature.
• Theintervalsshallbe10secondswhenconstantmeasurementare
made. It is normal that there are deviations in constant measurement
between short intervals, in which case the average reading can be taken
as the result.
• Thereisnoabsolutelystandardvalueofbodytemperature.Forhealthy
persons the temperature can uctuate between 0.2 ~ 1°C (32.36 ~
33.8°F) in dierent areas of the body. Always measure the body tem-
perature at the same time of the day.
• Whentheenvironmentaltemperatureexceedsthefunctionaltempera-
ture range of the device, the device will show “Err“ symbol.
• Whenthetemperatureofthemeasuredislowerthan32.0°C,“Lo“
symbol will be displayed on the screen; when the temperature of the
measured is higher than 42.9°C, “Hi“ symbol will be displayed on the