User's Manual

Use the timer to set how long the cooking zone operates for one cooking session.
Set the timer after the selection of the cooking zone.
You can set the heat setting before or after you set the timer.
Selection of the cooking zone:touch
again and again until the indicator of a neces-
sary cooking zone comes on.
Starting or changing the timer: touch
or of the timer to set the time (
minutes). When the indicator of the cooking zone flashes slower, the time counts down.
Stopping the timer: select the cooking zone with
and touch to switch off the
timer. The remaining time counts backwards to
. The indicator of the cooking zone
goes out.
Checking the remaining time: select the cooking zone with
. The indicator of the
cooking zone flashes faster. Display shows the remaining time.
When the time elapses, the sound operates and
flashes. The cooking zone switches off.
Stopping the sound: touch
You can use the timer as a minute minder while cooking zones do not operate. Touch .
or to select the time. When the time elapses, the sound operates and
Starting the STOP+GO
The function sets all cooking zones that operate to a keep warm setting.
to start this function. The symbol comes on.
to stop this function. The heat setting that you set before comes on.
does not stop the timer function.
locks the control bars.
Locking / unlocking the control panel
You can lock the control panel, but not . It prevents an accidental change of the heat
setting during a cooking session.
First set the heat setting.
Touch the symbol
. The symbol comes on for 4 seconds.
The Timer still operates.
Touch the symbol
to switch off this function. The heat setting that you set before comes
When you switch off the appliance, you also switch off this function.
When you activate the appliance, SAFE shows up in the oven display.
The locking / unlocking function locks or unlocks the oven interface at the same time.
Residual heat indicator
The residual heat indicator comes on when a cooking zone is hot.
Risk of burns from residual heat!
Hob - Daily Use