User Manual

when setting the device down
Chips and splinters must not be removed while the
machine is running.
Keep mains lead clear from working range of the machine.
Always lead the cable away behind you.
When working in walls ceiling, or oor, take care to avoid
electric cables and gas or waterpipes.
Clamp your workpiece with a clamping device. Unclamped
workpieces can cause severe injury and damage.
Always disconnect the plug from the socket before carrying
out any work on the machine.
The planer can plane surfaces and rabetts, and bevel and
chamfer edges.
Do not use this product in any other way as stated for
normal use.
We declare under our sole responsibility that the product
described under “Technical Data” ful lls all the relevant
provisions of the directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS), 2014/30/
EU, 2006/42/EC and the following harmonized standards
have been used:
EN 62841-1:2015
EN 62841-2-14:2015
EN 55014-1:2017
EN 55014-2:2015
EN 61000-3-2:2014
EN 61000-3-3:2013
EN IEC 63000:2018
Winnenden, 2019-09-07
Alexander Krug
Managing Director
Authorized to compile the technical le
Techtronic Industries GmbH
Max-Eyth-Straße 10
71364 Winnenden
Appliances used at many di󰀨 erent locations including wet
room and open air must be connected via a residual
current device (FI, RCD, PRCD) of 30mA or less.
Connect only to single-phase AC system voltage as
indicated on the rating plate. It is also possible to connect
to sockets without an earthing contact as the design
conforms to safety class II.
Keep mains lead clear from working range of the machine.
Always lead the cable away behind you.
Before use check machine, cable, and plug for any
damages or material fatigue. Repairs should only be
carried out by authorised Service Agents.
Make sure the machine is switched o󰀨 before plugging in.
Never reach into the danger area of the plane when it is
Place the front page of the machine on to the worpiece and
switch on, before the planer blade touches the workpiece
and then guide evenly over the workpiece.
The selv opening swivel guard should be lifted only by the
workpiece or with the lever.
The v-shape notch in the front of the supporting plate
ensures safe chamfering of edges.
When using the grooved planer blades, always use two
blades with a di󰀨 erent number of grooves.
The ventilation slots of the machine must be kept clear at
all times.
Always disconnect the plug from the socket before carrying
out any work on the machine.
Clean out accumulated dust using a brush or vacuum
If the shavings discharge is stained with resin, remove it
with a cloth soaked in turpentine substitute.
If the replacement of the supply cord is necessary, this has
to be done by the manufacturer or his agent in order to
avoid a safety hazard.
Use only AEG accessories and spare parts. Should
components need to be replaced which have not been
described, please contact one of our AEG service agents
(see our list of guarantee/service addresses).
If needed, an exploded view of the tool can be ordered.
Please state the machine type printed as well as the
six-digit No. on the label and order the drawing at your
local service agents or directly at: Techtronic Industries
GmbH, Max-Eyth-Straße 10, 71364 Winnenden, Germany.
Always disconnect the plug from the socket
before carrying out any work on the machine.
Please read the instructions carefully before
starting the machine.
Wear gloves!
Wear ear protectors!
Always wear goggles when using the machine.
Accessory - Not included in standard equipment,
available as an accessory.
470 335 - PL700.indd 19470 335 - PL700.indd 19 19.11.2019 12:29:5319.11.2019 12:29:53