User guide

Shelf levels
Fat filter
The shelf positions feature 6 (4) levels, the cooking tables sup
plied recommend the shelf position on which my oven will pro
duce best results.
The fat filter supplied protects my fan against soiling. It must al
ways be in place when:
- I am used as a Hot Air oven |2 and meat is cooked in uncov
ered containers (i. e. do not insert when baking!);
- During Rotitherm roasting/grilling (on multi-function ovens
How to insert my fat filter:
Hold the fat filter by the handle and insert the two tabs (see illus
trations) into the slots in the back panel of the oven thereby cover
ing the fan opening. The fat filter must cover the opening com
Cleaning the fat filter.
The fat filter should be cleaned after every use. How to clean the
filter, see “Cleaning the fat filter" in this booklet.