User Manual

First use
Operating To operate the illuminated control knob press to release
the control the control.
knobs My control knob (A) can be turned clockwise or anti-clockwise to
any position.
Further information to this can be found in the “Oven” sec
However, my oven temperature control knobs (B) and (E) must
be turned clockwise to set and anti-clockwise to turn off. The tem
perature control knobs (B) and (E) can be set to maximum
300 °c.
My control knob (F) is turned clockwise to the grill symbol
i^l and anti.clockwise to turn it back.
My control knobs (B) and (E) are illuminated when you
switch on my control knobs (A) and (F).
You can reduce soiling of my control knobs whilst the oven
is in operation by pushing them in (child safety feature).
The controls remain illuminated.