Installation guide

UPS 40-160 kVA, 400 V 50/60 Hz output
Users and Installation Guide
Revision C
SERIOUS INJURY MAY OCCUR. Battery cabinets are extremely heavy. If unloading in-
structions are not closely followed, cabinet may tip.
5. Turn each jacking bolt consecutively, two full turns, until the 4×6 supports clear the floor
by approximately 3 mm (1/8I).
RISK OF INSTABILITY. Turning the jacking bolts unevenly may cause the cabinet to be-
come unbalanced. To prevent tipping the cabinet, raise and lower the jacking bolts evenly.
CABINET MAY TIP. The battery cabinet should only be raised approximately 3 mm (1/8I)
above the floor (just enough to allow removal of the 4×6 supports).
6. After the 4×6 supports clear the floor, remove the hardware loosened in Step 4. Pull the
4×6 supports out from under the battery cabinet. Please discard or recycle them in a
responsible manner.
CABINET MAY FALL. Do not loosen the hardware attaching the side or front supports
to the cabinet base, or the front and side supports to each other, at this time. The cabinet
must be lowered by the jacking bolts before the supports can be removed.
7. Carefully and evenly lower the cabinet by turning each jacking bolt consecutively two
full turns (maximum) until the casters contact the floor, and the cabinet is no longer
supported by the jacking bolts.
8. After the battery cabinet is resting on the floor, remove the jacking bolts and discard or
recycle them in a responsible manner.
9. Remove the hardware holding the front, rear and side supports to the cabinet base.
Discard or recycle the hardware and support brackets in a responsible manner.
10. The battery cabinet is now ready to be rolled to its final location.
11. Repeat Steps 2 through 10 for each cabinet you are preparing to install.