User manual

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Attention! If you are using the appliance as a freezing unit: Please wait
prior to putting the foodstuff to be frozen, until the freezer interior
temperature has attained -18 °C, or until the red warning display goes
Attention! If you are using this appliance as a cooling unit, after it has
been used as a freezing unit: Please wait until the temperature has
reached 0 °C before putting the foodstuff to be cooled in the appliance.
Temperature Adjustment
0 1. Press either the „+“ (WARMER) or „-“ (COLDER) button.
The temperature display switches over and the DESIRED temperature
currently set flashes on the temperature display.
2. To adjust to a warmer temperature, press the „+“ (WARMER) button. To
adjust to a colder temperature, press the „-“ (COLDER) button. The
changed setting is immediately displayed on the temperature display.
Each time one of the two buttons is pressed again the DESIRED temper-
ature is adjusted by 1 °C.
The following DESIRED temperature settings are possible:
• Operating mode "Freezing": from -15 °C up to -24 °C in 1 °C steps;
• Operation mode "Cooling": from 0 °C up to 16 °C in 1 °C steps;
Note: From a food safety point of view, -18 °C for the freezer compart-
ment should be considered cold enough as a storage temperature.
If the buttons are not pressed again the temperature display will
change after approx. 5 seconds from the DESIRED temperature to the
ACTUAL temperature. The display changes from flashing to illuminated
Important! Please check red warning display and temperature display
regularly to assure maintenance of the storage temperature.