Operation Manual

• Thedifferentversionnumbersofthedevicearedis-
• CALIBRATION: Here you can carry out the screen
1. In the calibration window touch the crosshairs for
approximately 1 second lightly with your finger. The
next crosshairs appear.
2. Follow the same procedure as described above for
the other three corners.
3. Once the calibration has been completed, the device
switches back to the previous operating mode.
Telephoning via Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a technology used for the wireless connection of
devices via radio over a short distance. Bluetooth technology
enables the hands-free operation of mobile telephones. This
means that while driving the car it is possible for the driver
to conduct a conversation on his or her mobile telephone
without having to hold it to his or her ear.
This device offers you the possibility of using a mobile phone
which is Bluetooth-compliant. The function radius is limited
to approximately 3 m, depending on the device.
Obtaining optimum sound quality during a telephone call
Do not set the volume too high. Otherwise feedback (a whis-
tling sound) from the loudspeakers could be the result.
The volume setting depends on the installation positions
of the loudspeakers relative to the microphone, so that it is
not possible to specify it here.
Selecting Bluetooth mode
There are various ways of selecting Bluetooth mode.
• PresstheMODEkey(Fig.2/13)onthedeviceorremote
control (Fig. 1/25) repeatedly until BT MODE appears in
the display (Fig. 2/7) BT MODE.
• Holddownthe“
Bluetooth” key (Fig. 1/2) on the
remote control.
• Onthetouch-screentaptheword“MENU”orpressthe
MENU key (Fig. 1/3) on the remote control in order to call
up the device menu. Touch the BLUETOOTH key on the
Pairing devices (PAIRING)
Before you can use the car radio to telephone, you have to
register the devices with one another.
1. Select the Bluetooth menu on your mobile telephone
and register the car radio on your mobile telephone.
Please consult the operating manual of your mobile
telephone. The device “SCE_DVD” appears for selection
on your mobile telephone.
2. Depending on the device manufacturer, models and
software versions, you should now enter the password
“0000” in your mobile telephone.
3. If the registration has been completed successfully, the
name of your mobile telephone appears in the display of
the car radio. The “
” symbol appears in the display (Fig.
• Iftheregistrationhasnotbeencompletedsuccessfully,
the words „Not Connected“ appear on the touch-
screen (Fig. 2/1), and the „BT“ symbol and „Pairing“
• Dependingonthemobiletelephonemanufacturer,
you have to repeat the registration (PAIRING) process in
order to register your mobile telephone in the car radio.
• Bluetoothcompatibilitycannotbeguaranteedfor
mobile telephones which are launched on the market
in the future.
• Inordertoguaranteeanoptimumconnection,please
ensure that the battery of your mobile telephone is fully
• Somemobiletelephonebrandshaveanenergy-saving
mode. Please deactivate the energy-saving mode, as
otherwise there may be problems when telephoning
via Bluetooth.
• Inordertobeabletoconductanincomingor
outgoing telephone call, Bluetooth has to remain
activated on your mobile telephone. Please consult the
operating manual of your mobile telephone.
• Pleaseensurethatyouspeakinthedirectionofthe
built-in microphone (Fig. 2/2). It is not possible to
connect an external microphone.
Separating devices
The devices are separated when you switch off the car radio
via the ignition or on the device itself.
Reconnecting devices
This device has an automatic reconnection function.
The precondition for this is:
• thedeviceshavealreadybeenpairedwithoneanother
• Bluetoothisactivatedinyourmobiletelephone
• yourmobiletelephonesupportsthisfunction.
After the car radio has been switched off and on again, either
by the ignition or on the device itself, the renewed automatic
connection is activated. This may take a few seconds. The
word “Connecting” is shown on the touch-screen (Fig. 2/1).
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