Installation Instructions

© 2012 OJ Electronics A/S - EHT Haustechnik GMBH
max. temperature until the required tempera-
ture has been reached. Then the thermostat is
turned down until the LED turns o. After 1-2
days a fine adjustment may be necessary.
Mounting on a DIN-rail. Connection according
to fig. 1.
The sensor is a NTC type. The sensor ATF 5 and
AF 5-2,5 can be used for the ATE 50 with scale
range -10/+50°C. Shape of the sensor to be
chosen after application area.
Floor sensor: Is mounted in standard conduit
embedded into the floor, and positioned
between the heating cables - and preferably
as close to the floor surface as possible. If
required, the sensor cable can be extended up
to 100 m with standard installation cable.
Room sensor: The sensor is positioned on the
wall in such a way that there is free air circula-
tion above it. Furthermore, it should be placed
in such a way that its position is not influenced
by any form of heating outlet (e.g. the sun),
draughts from doors or windows or by the
outside temperature (outside wall).
Sensor cable: The sensor cable must not run
in trunking or in bundles together with other
circuits. The sensor cable should not be laid
parallel to cables which may induce signals/
noise to the sensor signal and thus disturb the
functioning of the thermostat.
Fig. 1 Connection
Fig. 2 Sensor table
Fig. 3 Dimensions