
Put the food separately or together on the cookware. Put it in the oven. Do not cover. Use
6 plates (diameter 26 cm) maximum.
Any kind of cookware that is heat-resistant to at least 100°C can be used.
400 g cauliflower
200 g carrots
200 g kohlrabi
200 g yellow and red peppers
Rinse cauliflower and divide into florets. Peel carrots and kohlrabi and cut into bite-sized
pieces. Wash the pepper and cut into strips. Place all vegetables into an open dish and cook
without adding water. It is possible to do without salt and other seasonings with this
method of cooking.
4 trout of 250-300 g each
lemon juice, pepper, salt
Wash the trout well inside and out, sprinkle with lemon juice, season and place in stainless
steel dishes with punched inserts, with 2 trout per dish. Serve with toasted flaked almonds.
Steamed trout variation:
Before the trout are placed in the stainless steel dishes with colander insert, pour hot water
and vinegar over them.
1,000 g potatoes
1 teaspoon each of salt, pepper and nutmeg
2 cloves of garlic
200 g grated cheese
3 eggs
100 ml milk
250 ml cream
4 tablespoons butter
Peel potatoes, slice thinly, dry and then season. Rub an ovenproof baking dish with a clove
of garlic and then grease the dish with butter. Spread half of the seasoned potato slices in
the dish and sprinkle some of the grated cheese over them. Layer the rest of the potato
slices over this and spread the rest of the grated cheese on top. Crush the second clove of
garlic and beat it together with the eggs, the milk and the cream. Pour the mixture over
the potatoes and spread the rest of the butter in small knobs on the gratin.
Uses, tables and tips