User manual

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position
Poached chicken
150 25 - 35 2
Kasseler (smoked
loin of pork)
150 80 - 100 2
Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position
Trout 150 25 - 30 2
Salmon filet 150 25 - 30 2
Side dishes
Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position
Rice 150 35 - 40 2
Unpeeled potatoes,
150 50 - 60 2
Boiled potatoes,
150 35 - 45 2
Polenta 150 40 - 45 2
9.12 Core temperature sensor table
Food Food core temperature (°C)
Roast veal 75 - 80
Veal knuckle 85 - 90
English roast beef, rare 45 - 50
English roast beef, medium 60 - 65
English roast beef, well done 70 - 75
Shoulder of pork 80 - 82
Shin of pork 75 - 80
Lamb 70 - 75
Chicken 98
Hare 70 - 75
Trout / Sea bream 65 - 70
Tuna fish / Salmon 65 - 70