Recipe Book

7.1 Apricot cream
Ingredients for 2 people:
250 g apricots
100 ml white wine
2 – 3 tablespoons sugar
150 g mascarpone or quark (cream
250 ml cream
2 tablespoons apricot liqueur or
cherry brandy
Mix the apricots with the white wine and
sugar in a bowl and select the Apricot
Cream programme. Leave to cool.
Beat the apricot compote to blend it
thoroughly or puree using a hand
blender. Stir the mascarpone or quark
into the puree one spoonful at a time.
Beat the cream until still and carefully stir
into the apricot cream. Add apricot
liqueur or cherry brandy to give the
apricot crème a gentle scent.
Put the crème in a cool place.
Time in the appliance: 6 minutes
Shelf position: 1
After baking:
Heat up the apricot jam and then spread
on the cake using a brush; then leave to
cool. Mix together icing sugar, cinnamon
and hot water; then spread on the cake.
Then sprinkle flaked almonds
immediately onto the glazed surface of
the cake.
7.2 Amaretto-peaches
Ingredients for 2 people:
4 tinned peach halves
50 g amaretti
1 heaped tablespoon sugar (1)
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon Vin Santo (Italian
dessert wine) or Grand Marnier
flakes of butter
100 ml crème fraîche
1 tablespoon sugar (2)
Drain the peaches well and place in a
well buttered baking dish. Break up the
amaretti biscuits and mix with the sugar
(1) and cocoa powder. Add Vin Santo to
form a thick paste. Shape into 4 balls and
put into the peach halves.
Serve the warm peaches with crème
fraîche sweetened with sugar (2).
Time in the appliance: 4 minutes
Shelf position: 1