Owner manual

Preserving - Bottom Heat
Things to note:
Use only preserve jars of the same dimensions available on the market.
Do not use jars with twist-off and bayonet type lids, or metal tins.
Use the first shelf from the bottom for this function.
Put no more than six one-litre preserve jars on the baking tray.
Fill the jars up to the same level and close with a clamp.
The jars cannot touch each other.
Put approximately 1 / 2 litre of water into the baking tray to give sufficient moisture in
the oven.
When the liquid in the jars starts to simmer (after approx. 35 - 60 minutes with one-litre
jars), stop the oven or decrease the temperature to 100°C (see the table).
Soft fruit
Preserve Temperature in °C
Cooking time until
simmering in min.
Continue to cook at
100°C in mis.
Strawberries, blueber-
ries, raspberries, ripe
160 - 170 35 - 45 -
Stone fruit
Preserve Temperature in °C
Cooking time until
simmering in min.
Continue to cook at
100°C in min.
Pears, guinces, plums 160 - 170 35 - 45 10 - 15
Preserve Temperature in °C
Cooking time until
simmering in min.
Continue to cook at
100°C in min.
160 - 170 50 - 60 5 - 10
Cucumbers 160 - 170 50 - 60 -
Mixed pickels 160 - 170 50 - 60 5 - 10
Kohlrabi, peas, aspara-
160 - 170 50 - 60 15 - 20
1) Leave standing in oven when switched off
Drying - True Fan Cooking
Cover the oven shelves with baking parchment.
For best results: deactivate the appliance after half the time required. Open the appliance
door and let the appliance cool down. After that finish the drying process.
Food to be dried
Shelf position
Temperature in
Time in hours
1 level 2 levels
Beans 3 1/4 60 - 70 6 - 8
22 Helpful hints and tips