Recipe Book

Food Food Core Temperature °C
Saddle of hare 70 - 75
Leg of hare 70 - 75
Whole hare 70 - 75
Saddle of venison 70 - 75
Leg of venison 70 - 75
Food Food Core Temperature °C
Salmon 65 - 70
Trouts 65 - 70
These 3 automatic programmes give opti-
mum settings for each type of meat or
other recipes:
Meat programmes with Weight Auto-
matic ( Assisted Cooking menu) — This
function automatically calculates the
roasting time. To use it you need to in-
put food weight.
Meat programmes with CT Sensor Au-
tomatic ( Assisted Cooking menu) —
This function automatically calculates
the roasting time. To use it you need to
input core temperature. When the pro-
gramme ends an acoustic signal
Recipe Automatic ( Assisted Cooking
menu) — This function uses predefined
values for a dish. Prepare the dish ac-
cording to recipe from this book.
Weight Automatic dishes
Roast Pork
Roast Veal
Roast Beef
Roast Game
Roast Lamb
Chicken, whole
Turkey, whole
Duck, whole
Goose, whole
CT Sensor Automatic dishes
Loin of Pork
Top Side Beef
Scandinavian Beef
Loin of Game
Lamb Joint, medium
Boned Poultry
Whole Fish
Information on acrylamides
Important! According to the newest
scientific knowledge, if you brown food
(specially the one which contains starch),
acrylamides can pose a health risk. Thus,
we recommend that you cook at the
lowest temperatures and do not brown
food too much.