User manual

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position Water in the
water drawer
Cooked ham 1000
96 55 - 65 2 800 + 150
Chicken breast,
90 25 - 35 2 500
Chicken, poach-
ed, 1000 - 1200 g
96 60 - 70 2 800 + 150
Veal / pork loin
without leg, 800 -
1000 g
90 80 - 90 2 800 + 300
Kasseler (smoked
loin of pork),
90 90 - 110 2 800 + 300
Tafelspitz (prime
boiled beef)
96 110 - 120 2 800 + 700
Chipolatas 80 15 - 20 2 400
Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position Water in the
water drawer
Eggs, hard-
96 18 - 21 2 500
Eggs, medi-
96 13 - 16 2 450
Eggs, soft-
96 11 - 12 2 400
11.6 Turbo Grilling and Full
Steam in succession
When you combine the functions, you
can cook meat, vegetables and
accompaniments one after the other. All
dishes are ready to be served at the
same time.
To initially roast the food use the
function: Turbo Grilling.
Put the prepared vegetables and
accompaniments into cookware
correct for an oven procedure and
then into the oven with the roast.
Cool down the oven to a temperature
of around 80 °C. To cool down the
appliance quicker open the oven door
to the first position for approximately
15 minutes.
Start the function: Full Steam. Cook it
all together until ready.
Maximum water amount is 800