User manual

Food Temperature (°C) Cooking time until
simmering (min)
Continue to cook at
100 °C (min)
160 - 170 50 - 60 5 - 10
Cucumbers 160 - 170 50 - 60 -
Mixed pickles 160 - 170 50 - 60 5 - 10
Kohlrabi / Peas / As-
160 - 170 50 - 60 15 - 20
Leave standing in the oven after it is deactivated.
11.23 Drying
Use baking parchment as a cover for the
wire shelves.
For best results, deactivate the appliance
halfway through the operation. Open the
appliance door and let the appliance
cool down. After that, complete the
drying process.
Food Temperature
Time (h) Shelf position
1 position 2 positions
Beans 60 - 70 6 - 8 3 1 / 4
Peppers 60 - 70 5 - 6 3 1 / 4
Vegetables for
60 - 70 5 - 6 3 1 / 4
Mushrooms 50 - 60 6 - 8 3 1 / 4
Herbs 40 - 50 2 - 3 3 1 / 4
Food Temperature
Time (h) Shelf position
1 position 2 positions
Plums 60 - 70 8 - 10 3 1 / 4
Apricots 60 - 70 8 - 10 3 1 / 4
Apple slices 60 - 70 6 - 8 3 1 / 4
Pears 60 - 70 6 - 9 3 1 / 4
11.24 Bread Baking
Add 200 ml of water to the water drawer.
Preheating is not recommended.