User manual

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position
White Bread 180 - 200 40 - 60 2
Baguette 200 - 220 35 - 45 2
Brioche 160 - 180 40 - 60 2
Ciabatta 200 - 220 35 - 45 2
Rye Bread 180 - 200 50 - 70 2
Dark Bread 180 - 200 50 - 70 2
All Grain bread 170 - 190 60 - 90 2
11.25 Core temperature sensor table
Food Food Core Temperature (°C)
Rib / Fillet steak: rare 45 - 50
Rib / Fillet steak: medium 60 - 65
Rib / Fillet steak: well done 70 - 75
Food Food Core Temperature (°C)
Shoulder / Ham / Neck joint of pork 80 - 82
Chop (saddle) / Smoked pork loin 75 - 80
Meatloaf 75 - 80
Food Food Core Temperature (°C)
Roast veal 75 - 80
Knuckle of veal 85 - 90
Mutton / lamb
Food Food Core Temperature (°C)
Leg of mutton 80 - 85
Saddle of mutton 80 - 85
Roast lamb / Leg of lamb 70 - 75