Recipe Book

Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan.
Peel onions, slice thinly and sweat in the
oil for about 30 minutes with the lid on
the pan. Season with salt and pepper
and mix in 1/2 teaspoon of chopped
Let onions cool slightly, then spread on
the pastry.
Then spread the ricotta and goat's chees
on top and add the olives. Sprinkle 1/2
teaspoon of chopped thyme over the
To make the filling, mix the eggs and the
cream together. Pour the filling over the
Time in the appliance: 45 minutes
Shelf position: 1
7.1 Almond Cake
Ingredients for the mixture:
5 eggs
200 g sugar
100 g marzipan
200 ml olive oil
450 g flour
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 packet baking powder
(approximately 15 g)
50 g chopped pistachios
125 g ground almonds
300 ml milk
Ingredients for the topping:
200 g apricot jam
5 tablespoons icing sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons hot water
flaked almonds
28 cm springform baking tin
Cream together eggs, sugar and
marzipan for 5 minutes, then slowly add
the olive oil to the egg mixture.
Sieve the flour, cinnamon and baking
powder together, then mix the chopped
pistachios and the ground almonds into
the flour. Then carefully fold into the egg
mixture together with the milk.
Put into the springform whose base has
been sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
Time in the appliance: 70 minutes
Shelf position: 2
After baking:
Heat up the apricot jam and then spread
on the cake using a brush. Then leave to
cool. Mix together icing sugar, cinnamon
and hot water and spread on the cake.
Then sprinkle flaked almonds
immediately onto the glazed surface of
the cake.
7.2 Brownies
250 g plain chocolate
250 g butter
375 g sugar
2 packet vanilla sugar (approximately
16 g)
1 pinch salt
5 tablespoons water
5 eggs
375 g walnuts
250 g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Break chocolate up into large pieces and
melt in a bain marie.
Cream together butter, sugar, vanilla
sugar, salt and water, add the eggs and
the melted chocolate.
Roughly chop the walnuts, mix with the
flour and baking powder and fold into
the chocolate mixture.
Line a deep baking tray with baking
parchment, put the mixture on top and
Time in the appliance: 50 minutes
Shelf position: 3
After baking:
Leave to cool, remove baking parchment
and cut into squares.