Recipe Book

1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon grounded white pepper
Cut carrots in thin slices (1 - 2 mm) and
mix with all the other ingredients. Put
them evenly flat in the vacuum bag,
vacuum seal and cook.
Add 800 ml of water into the water
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 3
The dish can be served e.g. with fish
or shrimps.
13.8 Apples
2 ripe apples, medium size, around
350 g (e.g. Golden delicious)
1 star anise
1 vanilla pod, cut in pieces
Wash and peel the apples. Then cut
them in quarters or in eight pieces and
remove the core. Put the apples in a
vacuum bag and add the star anise and
vanilla pod. Vacuum seal and cook.
Add 500 ml of water into the water
Time in the appliance: 20 minutes
Shelf position: 3
The dish can be served warm or cold,
with English crème or ice cream.
13.9 Red wine pears
2 ripe pears, around 300 g
2 glasses of red wine, around 300 ml
(e.g. Cabernet Franc)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 pinch of cinnamon, 1 clove -
Put the wine in a pot and boil it until it
becomes a bit denser and reduced for
about half of the amount (about 8 – 10
min on high power). Then let it cool.
Wash and peel the pears, cut them in
halves and remove the core. Put all the
ingredients in a vacuum bag. Vacuum
seal and cook.
Add 400 ml of water into the water
Time in the appliance: 15 minutes
Shelf position: 3
The dish can be served warm or cold,
with dish English crème or ice cream.
13.10 English crème
250 ml fresh cream
250 ml milk
140 g egg yolks (around 8 - 10 egg
140 g sugar
1/2 vanilla pod
1 orange and 1 lemon peel for flavor
Put cream, milk, egg yolks and sugar in a
bowl. Halve the vanilla pod and use a
knife to scrape out the seeds and add
them and the vanilla pod in to the bowl.
Add the fruit peels and whip everything
on low speed until the mixture is
homogenous. Remove the vanilla pod
and the fruit peel from the mixture. Put
the mixture in one or more vacuum bags.
Vacuum seal and cook. After cooking put
the bag in an ice bath and then serve
warm or cold.
For a better result leave the cream for
one night in the fridge. If any lumps
appear pour the cream in a bowl and
Add 500 ml of water into the water
Time in the appliance: 20 minutes
Shelf position: 3
The dish can be served with fresh or
cooked fruits, chocolate cake, apple
pie or ice cream.