User manual

This appliance is guaranteed by
Electrolux in each of the countries listed
at the back of this user manual, for the
period specified in the appliance guar-
antee or otherwise by law. If you move
from one of these countries to another
of the countries listed, the appliance
guarantee will move with you subject to
the following qualifications:-
The appliance guarantee starts from
the date you first purchased the appli-
ance which will be evidenced by pro-
duction of a valid purchase document
issued by the seller of the appliance.
The appliance guarantee is for the
same period and to the same extent
for labour and parts as exists in your
new country of residence for this par-
ticular model or range of appliances.
The appliance guarantee is personal
to the original purchaser of the appli-
ance and cannot be transferred to an-
other user.
The appliance is installed and used in
accordance with instructions issued by
Electrolux and is only used within the
home, i.e. is not used for commercial
The appliance is installed in accord-
ance with all relevant regulations in
force within your new country of resi-
The provisions of this European Guaran-
tee do not affect any of the rights gran-
ted to you by law.
Albania +35 5 4 261 450 Rruga “Kavajës”, ish-parku auto-
buzëve, Tiranë
++32 27162444 Raketstraat 40, 1130 Brussel/
Česká republika +420 261 302 261 Budějovická 3, Praha 4, 140 21
Danmark +45 70 11 74 00 Strevelinsvej 38-40, 7000 Frederi-
Deutschland +49 180 32 26 622 Fürther Str. 246, 90429 Nürnberg
Eesti +37 2 66 50 030 Pärnu mnt. 153, 11624 Tallinn
España +34 902 11 63 88 Carretera M-300, Km. 29,900 Al-
calá de Henares Madrid
France 08 92 68 24 33
Great Britain +44 8445 616 616 Addington Way, Luton, Bedford-
shire LU4 9QQ
Hellas +30 23 10 56 19 70 4, Limnou Str., 54627 Thessaloni-
Hrvatska +385 1 63 23 338 Slavonska avenija 3, 10000 Za‐
Ireland +353 1 40 90 753 Long Mile Road Dublin 12