Operation Manual

Playing back Music in MP3 Format
With this device it is possible to play back pieces of music in MP3 format. The device also
supports all standard CD types: CD, CD-RW, CD-R.
This machine of is able to play MP3 CDs. Up to 200 tracks can be compressed and stored
on these CDs. Your machine detects an MP3 CD automatically (the total number of tracks
and MP3s appears in the display). If you would like to play one of these CDs, proceed as
described under “Playing CDs/MP3”.
Please note:
There are a number of different recording and compression methods, as well as quality
differences between CDs and self-recorded CDs.
For these reasons it is possible that in rare cases there are problems with the playback of
CDs and MP3 CDs. This is not a malfunction of the device.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Never immerse the device in water.
• Anymarksonthesurfacecanbewipedoffwithaslightlydampclothwithoutanyaddi-
• Polishwithadry,softcloth.
Technical Data
Model: ..................................................................................................................................... CDP 4226
Battery operation: ............................................................................................. 2x1.5V,TypeAA/R6
Net weight: ................................................................................................................................ 0.202 kg
The right to make technical and design modifications in the course of continuous product
development remains reserved.
This device has been tested according to all relevant current CE guidelines, such as
electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage directives, and has been constructed in
accordance with the latest safety regulations.