Operating instructions

Bake with pre-heating 230°C
Ingredients for the pastry:
250 g flour, type 405
125 g butter
60 ml water
1tsp salt
A little pepper and nutmeg
Mix together flour, butter and salt, add the water and knead together
briefly to form a pastry.
Leave the pastry to cool in the fridge for 1 hour.
Ingredients for the topping:
100 ml milk
150 ml sour cream
2 eggs
150 g Gruyère or Emmental cheese, grated
150 g bacon, diced
150 g onions, diced
Pepper, nutmeg
Lightly sauté the bacon and onions.
Whisk the milk, cream, eggs and seasonings together well, then mix in
the cheese.
To put the quiche together:
Roll out the pastry and lay it in a greased plain springform tin
(dia. 28 cm). Distribute the bacon and onions over it evenly and pour
the liquid mixture over them.
Setting Oven level Cook time Amount of water via
water drawer
P8 PIZZA 3 25 mins. ---
Ventitherm ® Fan Op-
erated Cooking
Setting Oven level Cook time Amount of water via
water drawer
P9 QUICHE LORRAINE 3 35 mins. ---
Ventitherm ® Fan Operat-
ed Cooking 190°C