Operation Manual

ENGLISH - 44 -
When VGA Or DVI Is Connected To TV:
image size
By pressing / button, select image
size. "right/left to change image size" is
seen on the screen. By pressing /
button, you can change image size to fill all,
fill 1:1 and fill aspect.
audio menu
By pressing / button, select the
fourth icon. Audio menu appears on the
By pressing / button, select volume.
"right/left to adjust volume" is seen on the
screen. Press button to increase vol-
ume level. Press
button to decrease vol-
ume level. Volume level can be adjusted be-
tween 0 and 54.
hp volume
By pressing / button, select hp vol-
ume. "right/left to adjust hp volume" is
seen on the screen. Press button to in-
crease hp volume level. Press
button to
decrease hp volume level. Hp volume
(headphone volume) level can be adjusted
between 0 and 100.
hp sound mode
By pressing
/ button, select hp
sound mode. "right to adjust hp sound
mode" is seen on the screen. Press
button change hp sound mode.
Hp sound mode is used to identify sound
mode of the headphone. hp sound mode can
be set to mono, stereo, dual a or dual b ac-
cording to the transmission.
By pressing
/ button, select balance.
"right/left to adjust balance" is seen on the
screen. Press button to increase bal-
ance rightward. Press
button to de-
crease balance leftward. Balance level can
be adjusted between -50 and 50.
By pressing / button, select equal-
izer. "right/left for equalizer settings" is
seen on the screen. Press / or OK
button to enter equalizer menu. In equalizer
menu the sound mode can be changed to
user, flat, pop, rock, jazz and classic by
pressing / button. Equalizer menu
settings can be changed only when sound
mode is user. Select the desired frequency
by / button and increase or decrease
the frequency gain by pressing
/ but-
M button to exit the equalizer menu.
By pressing / button, select AVL.
"right/left for AVL on/off" is seen on the
screen. By pressing / button set to
AVL on to activate it or off to deactivate it.
02-ENG-2707W-1546 UK-27 INCH TFT-(CHI MEI)(10 PAGE)-50055817.p65 03.08.2004, 17:0144