Owner's manual

To grill flat dishes in large quantities
and to toast:
Put the roasting pan grid in the
deep roasting pan. The supports of
the roasting pan grid must point
Put the deep roasting pan in the ap-
pliance and on the necessary shelf
Refer to the Safety chapters.
The temperature and baking
times in the tables are guidelines
only. They depend on the rec-
ipes, quality and quantity of the
ingredients used.
Use a deep baking tray for very
moist cakes. Fruit juices can
cause permanent stains on the
8.1 Top oven
The top oven is the smaller of the two
ovens. It has 6 shelf levels. Use is to cook
smaller quantities of food. It gives espe-
cially good results when used to cook
fruitcakes, sweets and savoury flants or
8.2 Main oven
The main oven is particularly suitable for
cooking larger quantities of food.
8.3 Baking
General instructions
Your new oven may bake or roast dif-
ferently to the appliance you had be-
fore. Adapt your usual settings (tem-
perature, cooking times) and shelf lev-
els to the values in the tables.
With longer baking times, the oven
can be switched off about 10 minutes
before the end of baking time, to use
the residual heat.
When you use frozen food, the trays
in the oven can twist during baking.
When the trays get cold again, the
distortion will be gone.
How to use the Baking Tables
We recommend to use the lower tem-
perature the first time.
If you cannot find the settings for a
special recipe, look for the one that is
almost the same.
Baking time can be extended by 10-15
minutes, if you bake cakes on more
than one level.
Cakes and pastries at different heights
do not always brown equally at first. If
this occurs, do not change the tem-
perature setting. The differences
equalize during the baking procedure.