Operating Instructions and Installation Instructions

Installation - for contractors
10.3 
» Open the shut-off valve in the twin connector or the
cold water inlet line.
11. Commissioning
WARNING Electrocution
11.1 
» Open and close all connected draw-off valves sever-
al times, until all air has been vented from the pipe-
work and the appliance.
» Carry out a tightness check.
» Activate the safety pressure limiter by rmly pressing
the reset button (the appliance is delivered with the
safety pressure limiter deactivated).
» Fit the appliance cover, ensuring it clicks into place.
Check that the appliance cover is seated correctly.
» Switch the mains power ON.
» Check the function of the appliance.
» Explain the appliance function to users and familiar-
ise them with its operation.
» Make users aware of potential dangers, especially
the risk of scalding.
» Hand over these instructions.
11.2 Recommissioning
Vent the appliance and the cold water inlet line (see chap-
ter "Settings").
See chapter "Commissioning / Initial start-up".
12. 
» Isolate all poles of the appliance from the power
» Drain the appliance (see chapter "Maintenance").
13. Troubleshooting
  
The flow rate is too
The strainer in the ap-
pliance is dirty.
Clean the strainer.
Flow meter will not
start despite tap being
fully opened.
The start-up volume
required to start up
the heating output has
not been reached.
Clean the strainer.
The appliance is not
generating hot water
despite audible sound
of the differential pres-
sure switch starting.
Safety pressure limiter
(AP 3) has switched
the appliance off for
safety reasons.
Remove the cause of
the fault (e.g. faulty
pressure washer).
Protect the heating
system against over-
heating by opening a
draw-off valve down-
stream of the appli-
ance for one minute.
This depressurises
and cools down the
heating system.
Activate the safety
pressure limiter at flow
pressure by pressing
the reset button (see
chapter "Commission-
The heating system is
Check the heating
system resistor, and
replace it if required.