Operating instructions

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Protect PV.600/800 OD Series - Operating Instructions
Page 22 of 100 8000041160 BAL
2.6.5 Danger due to Mechanics
Hinge side of the door when closing
Fingers or hands may be crushed.
Do not hold the hinge side of the door.
Take care while closing the cabinet door.
Rotating parts
Injuries to fingers and hands possible.
Do not reach into rotating parts.
De-energise fans before touching them.
2.6.6 Danger during Transport
Suspended loads during transport
Possibility of death or crushing.
Select lifting gear according to the total weight to be trans-
Do not step under suspended loads.
Secure the danger zone.
Wear personal protective equipment.
Toppling of cargo during transport by industrial trucks
Possibility of death or crushing.
Lift cargo under its centre of gravity.
Secure the cargo and danger zone.
Wear personal protective equipment.
Tipping or canting the equipment
Possibility of death or crushing.
Be aware of the equipment's centre of gravity.
Do not tip or cant the equipment under any circumstances.
Do not remove the lifting gear until the equipment is se-