Operation Manual

Image transition
You can select between various image transitions, i.e. methods by
which one image is superimposed over the next.
You can change the type of image transition by pressing the
PROGRAM-button (Fig. 2/20) on the remote control. The following
options are available:
Fading infrom above, below, left or right
Fading in diagonally from top left, top right, bottom left or bottom
Fading in from the centre of the image, horizontally or vertically
Fading in from the edge of the image, horizontally or vertically
Fading in from the edge of the image, horizontally and vertically
Fading in by stripes, horizontally or vertically
Random, the image transition is chosen at random
Changing the default settings
A large number of default settings can be comfortably changed via the
screen menu.
Press the SETUP-button (Fig. 2/25) on the remote control to start the
menu for changing the default settings.
Many of these default settings can be changed via both the remote
control and the menu. The difference is: If you change the default
settings via the remote control, these changes will only be valid until
the DVD-Player is switched off or the DVD is changed.
However, any changes made in the menu are permanent.
The Setup menu has two menu levels:
Main menu: The main level is represented by graphical symbols.
Sub-menu: The corresponding sub-menu options can be found
under each of the main menu options.
Understanding the menu
Fig. 22
Changing the default settings
05-DVD 4516 AEG - GB Neu 60 03.05.2006, 9:37:30 Uhr