Operation Manual

Press the STOP-button (Fig. 2/24) on the remote control to stop the
The DVD-Player is excellently suitable for viewing digital photographs.
These photos may be stored only any medium (DVD, CD, etc.) sup-
ported by the DVD-Player.
Please ensure a suitable size of the photos. Large size photos may
take some time to be displayed or may not be displayed at all. It is of
advantage if the size of the photo corresponds with the screen size
of the replay device. For TVs this is normally 1024x576 pixel (TV-
aspect 16:9) or 768x576 (TV-aspect 4:3).
Start the replay of photos by selecting the fi le from which the replay
shall start Page 57, „Selecting fi le/directory and starting replay“.
Manual: Press the PREV (Fig. 2/9) or NEXT-button (Fig. 2/23) on
the remote control to scroll forward or back.
Automatic: Press the PLAY-button (Abb. 2/27). The screen shows
the message „PLAY SEQ“, the photos change automatically.
Rotating a photo
You can use the Cursor buttons to rotate a photo during replay:
Mirror vertically: Cursor Button „
Mirror horizontally: Cursor Button „
Rotate clockwise for 90°: Cursor Button „
Rotate counter-clockwise for 90°: Cursor Button „
Image transition
You can select between various image transitions, i.e. methods by
which one image is superimposed over the next.
You can change the type of image transition by pressing the PROG-
button (Fig. 2/20) on the remote control. The following options are
Fading infrom above, below, left or right
Fading in diagonally from top left, top right, bottom left or bottom
Fading in from the centre of the image, horizontally or vertically
Fading in from the edge of the image, horizontally or vertically
Fading in from the edge of the image, horizontally and vertically
Fading in by stripes, horizontally or vertically
Random, the image transition is chosen at random
Stopping the replay
Viewing pictures
Working in fi le mode
05-DVD 4517 AEG - GB 58 19.01.2006, 10:53:17 Uhr