Operation Manual

Add to program: Choice the track (ENTER) In complete stop state , press Add to
program to add the track of the program play directory.
Clear program :Choice the track (ENTER) In complete stop state , press Clear
program to delete the track of the program play directory
The PICTURE CD disc has such a directory structure as shown in the right picture.
Press Direction key to choose the root directory and then press ENTER button to enter
into the sub directory. Press Direction key to choose the desired picture and then press
ENTER or PLAY to enjoy the picture. If you want to return to the upper menu,
press Direction key to choose (…) icon and press ENTER button.
Image rotation
In picture play state, press Direction key to rotation the picture, press ANGLE button to
change the picture scan mode.
Power on your DVD player.
Insert your USB disk or card memory, press USB/CARD button to choice the USB disk or
Card memory source device input, Press Direction key to move, Press ENTER button to
confirm your choice. When you choice the file from the USB disk or Card memory device,
the DVD player will automatically play the media file.
The button is valid in complete stop or NO DISC status.