Operation Manual

Serves 2-3
2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
15ml extra virgin olive oil
2 large shallots or 1 onion, finely
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
/4 cup Arborio rice
/4 cup dry white wine
30g butter, cut into blocks
parmigiano-reggiano cheese,
freshly ground black pepper,
to taste
1 Warm the stock.
2 Select Sauté and sauté the shallots/onion
and celery in the olive oil for about 3
minutes, until the shallots/onion are
translucent and softened.
3 Add the garlic and rice and sauté for 2 -
3 minutes, keeping it moving so it doesn't
burn (don't let the garlic brown). When
the rice is translucent, add the wine, stir
until the alcohol has evaporated and the
liquid is absorbed.
4 Add the stock, and give it a stir. Select
High Pressure and set the timer for 4
minutes. When audible beep sounds, use
Natural Pressure Release to release
pressure. When the float valve drops,
turn the pressure cooker off. Remove the
lid carefully, tilting away from you to allow
steam to disperse.
5 Select Sauté and bring to the simmer, stir
in the butter, cheese, and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately.
Recipe by Silwood School of Cookery
This salad is best made in advance and
t to marinate for a couple of hours.
Serves 6 - 8 as a side dish
250ml chickpeas, soaked overnight
125ml olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
a little red chilli, seeded and
finely chopped
60ml lemon juice
1 red onion, finely chopped
1 red pepper, cut into small
10 fine French beans, sliced at an
angle, 2cm long (or mange tout
or sugar snaps)
85ml coriander, chopped
20ml flat-leaf (Italian) parsley,
chopped .
120g feta cheese, cut into blocks
salt and black pepper, to taste
chopped parsley and coriander
to garnish
1 Dressing: Select Sauté and sauté the
garlic and chilli in 25ml olive oil until you
can smell the garlic. Remove from the
cooking pot. Add 100 ml olive oil, 60ml
lemon juice and a good pinch of salt and
pepper to the garlic and chilli.
2 Rinse the chickpeas and place in the
pressure cooker, cover ingredients with
cold water. Select High Pressure and set
the timer for 20 minutes. When audible
beep sounds, use Quick Pressure
Release to release pressure. When the
float valve drops, turn the pressure cooker
off. Remove the lid carefully, tilting away
from you to allow steam to disperse. Drain
the chickpeas and whilst still hot toss into
the dressing. Set aside to cool.
3 Once cool, add the finely chopped red
onion, red pepper, beans, coriander, and
parsley. Season with salt and pepper and
a dash more lemon juice if needed.
To serve place on an attractive platter,
sprinkle with feta, parsley and coriander.