
Painting the world blue
Volkswagen has implemented a multitude of strategies to make more
effi cient cars, proving that small changes can make a big difference.
The primary goal of BlueMotion technologies is to improve the Volkswagen range’s fuel effi ciency and carbon emissions, thereby
burning less fuel over time and making a smaller impact on the environment. These BlueMotion vehicles have various unique tech-
nologies and features.
Energy recuperation
Whenever the driver lifts off the accelerator
pedal or applies the brakes, the alternator’s
charging voltage is elevated and the recaptured
kinetic energy is converted into electric energy
to charge the battery. Alternator control also
allows for the lowering of alternator voltage at
other times – such as when accelerating or
cruising a constant speed. This reduced engine
load improves fuel economy.
Stop/start technology
With this technology, the engine is switched off
when the vehicle comes to a stop (at a traffi c
light, for example). Once the brake pedal is
released (for automatic vehicles) or the clutch is
engaged (for manual vehicles), it switches back
on. As a result, you burn less fuel.
Low-rolling-resistance tyres
Tyres use less energy to move the vehicle
forward. In turn, fuel is saved and emissions
are kept low (Polo BlueMotion only).
Volkswagen’s Think Blue. initiative
is not only about creating effi cient
vehicles, vehicle technologies and
a cleaner manufacturing process.
The idea is also there to encourage
people to think differently about the
way they live their lives. It’s a way
of encouraging everyone to play an
active role and address social and
cultural issues that affect or have
an effect on the environment.
For Volkswagen South Africa, it
means that the vehicles it
manufactures have to be built on
a state-of-the-art ef cient produc-
tion line. The Uitenhage factory
has, since the launch of Think Blue.
a few years ago, used less water,
reduced its solvent and CO
sions, lessened its overall waste
and has used less energy by looking
to alternative sources. Such has
been the success of the Think Blue.
campaign that the factory was
awarded two environmental awards
for waste reduction.
Volkswagen South Africa recog-
nises that there are other ways
of making this world a greener
(bluer?) place. Volkswagen South
Africa has embarked on a long-term
partnership with the Dyer Island
Conservation Trust in Gansbaai
under the Think Blue Environment
pillar. The DICT is world renowned
for its groundbreaking great white
shark research and protection of
the Marine Big 5 in the Overstrand
Bay area.
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