User manual

Electrical Installation
Installation must be carried
out by an authorised electri-
cian or by a person autho-
rised by the manufacturer.
Work carried out by unquali-
fied persons can lead to per-
sonal injury and/or damage
to property and may spoil
thedowndraught extractor.
During installation make
sure the cable is not
pinched. Do not interfere
with the electrical compo-
nents of the downdraught
extractor. The exhaust air
must not be connected to a
duct that is already used to
carry flue gasses away from
an oil-fired boiler or similar
appliances. The exhaust hose
must not be connected to a
chimney or the like that is
used to carry flue gasses
away from a boiler, wood-
burning stove, fireplace, etc.
7. Assemble the filter, spring and
top cabinet in reverse order. The
filter must be completely dry
before it is re-fitted in the extrac-
8. Reset the filter cleaning indicator
by pressing
neously for 3 seconds. "CL" will
disappear from the display. If you
clean the filter before the table-
mounted cooker hood has been in
use for 30 hours ("CL" has not
appeared on the display), the fil-
ter cleaning indicator can be reset
in the same way.
If there is a power cut, the filter indi-
cator will be reset automatically.
Wipe the extraction shaft with a
damp cloth and washing-up liquid or
universal cleaner.
Extraction shaft