Operating instructions

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16.2 PG-MUX-II for BOSCH
The Bosch CL200, CL300, CL400 works to the PLC withRS232.
The Multiplexer should be connected with a 1:1 cable to the PLC.
Signalname Notation Pin
External ground Shield 1
Receiver RxD 2
Transmitter TxD 3
Data Terminal Ready DTR 6
SignalGround GND 7
Data Set Ready DSR 20
PG1/PG2-Interface V24
This pining is the same pining of the PG-Interface on a Bosch CL200, CL300, CL400.
Signalname Notation Pin
External ground Shield 1
Transmitter TxD 2
Receiver RxD 3
Data Set Ready DSR 6
SignalGround GND 7
Data Terminal Ready DTR 20
PG1/PG2-Interface TTY passiv
This pining is the same pining of the PG-Interface on a Bosch CL200, CL300, CL400.
Signalname Notation Pin
External ground Shield 1
Receiver plus TTY IN+ (RxD+) 22
Receiver minus TTY IN- ( RxD-) 12
Transmitter plus TTY OUT+ ( TxD+) 23
Transmitter minus TTY OUT- ( TxD-) 13
Data Set Ready plus DSR+ 11
Data Set Ready minus DSR- 14
Data Terminal Ready plus RDRCTL+ 19
Data Terminal Ready minus RDRCTL- 16