
Protocol Parameters Allen Bradley Section 9-3
9.3 Protocol Parameters Allen Bradley
The operating terminal adapts to the default parameters of the PU-interface. It is
not necessary to modify the interface parameters in the PLC.
To ensure proper communication, the parameters must
not be altered.
Baud rate: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 375000, 500000
Parity: none, even, odd
Data bits: 5, 6, 7, 8
Stopbits: 1, 1.5, 2
Handshake: no handshake, hardware, software
9.3.1 Parameter Controller Type
Allows entering of the controller type that is being used.
Interfacing is possible to a SLC500 - 5/03 and a PLC 5 only.
9.3.2 Parameter Block Check
The DF1 protocol permits optionally use of the block check method CRC16 or BCC.
9.4 Data Type Structure
a) Alphanumerical Texts
Are stored in the memory byte for byte in ascending address order.
b) Binary Variables with a Length of 1, 2 or 4 Bytes
Data with a length of 2 bytes are interpreted in the PLC-conformal byte order for
Data with a length of 4 bytes are interpreted in the PLC-conformal byte order for
long words.
c) Floating point numbers
The data will be interpreted in the IEEE-Floating point order.
9.4.1 Data Types
Interfacings to a PLC 5 permit defining of a data file number (9 to 254) for each
variable in the variable list. For each data file number defined, a respective data file
must be created in the PLC 5.
The following types of data are available for direct access:
B Bit access The address is a word address
W Word access The address is a word address
DW Double-word access The address is a word address