
Protocol Parameters Mitsubishi MelsecA Section 10-3
10.3 Protocol Parameters Mitsubishi MelsecA
The parameters of the interface SER1 are set to the following values:
Baud rate: 300, 600,1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 357000,
500000 Baud
Parity: none, even, odd
Data bits: 5, 6, 7, 8
Stopbits: 1, 1.5, 2
Handshake: no handshake, hardware, software
The default values of the programming system are printed in bold.
10.3.1 Parameter Maximum Waiting Time for Response
This timer indicates the length of time that the operating terminal (master) will wait
for the response from the PLC (slave).
Permitted values are in the range of 0 ms to 65535 ms.
The default value is 500 ms.
10.3.2 Parameter Delay Until Connection Setup
Specifies the period of time that the terminal allows to elapse after an unsuccessful
attempt to establish communication and before making another attempt.
Permitted values are in the range of 5000 ms to 255000 ms.
The default value is 10000 ms.
10.4 Parameters of the AJ71C24
10.4.1 Mode Selection Switch
The mode selection switch permits selection of the protocol format corresponding
to the respective interfaces.
The protocol ”Protocol 1” must be selected for the RS422 / RS485 interface to the
10.4.2 Station Number
The station number is used to specify the various communication modules within a
multipoint connection. The specified station number must coincide with the specifi-
cation in the variable list.
It is not necessary to comply with a specific sequence when assigning the station
numbers, i.e. the numbering does not need to be sequential or contiguous.
Valid values for station numbers are: 0 to 31