
Configuring the PLC Section 4-3
d) Floating Point Number
The data are interpreted in the Siemens floating point format.
e) Binary Variables with a Length of 1, 2 or 4 Bytes
Data with a length of 2 bytes are interpreted in the PLC-conformal byte order for
Data with a length of 4 bytes are interpreted in the PLC-conformal byte order for
long words.
4.3 Configuring the PLC
Before a communication between the operating terminal and the Siemens PLC is
possible, the supplied function blocks must be installed and executed during the
PLC start-up or at cyclic intervals, respectively, and a communications data block
must be specified in the RAM of the PLC.
4.3.1 Status Data Area
In addition to the random read and write access to PLC variables, an area compris-
ing 6 words (DW70 - DW75) is available in the data block which allows the PLC to
influence the terminal (status data area). The transmission of the entire area to the
terminal is activated as soon as the value 128 is written into DL69. After the trans-
mission, DL69 will be reset to 0 by the FB201.
The status data area is word-structured and has been assigned to fixed addresses:
DL70 : Write coordination byte
DR70 : Reserved
DW71 : Sequential message channel
DW72 - DW76 : LED-bits for function keys
4.4 Error Messages
Code 1 E SLAVE NOT READY ..........The slave address has been
sent, however, no response has
been received within the speci-
fied time period of 5 seconds.
Possible causes for the error:
- Incorrect slave address.
- No hardware connection.
FRAME .........................The SIO has detected a framing
Possible cause for the error:
- Incorrect interface parameter in the terminal or in the PLC.
TIMEOUT.......................After successful completion of
the addressing phase and after
sending the telegram from the
terminal to the PLC, the re-
sponse telegram from the PLC
has not been received within
the bus monitoring time period
of 300 ms.