
Technical Description Section 5-2
5.2 Technical Description
The terminal is always the active partner which either requests data from or sends
data to the partner.
Direct read-access is possible to all PLC data.
Direct write-access is limited to data blocks
The installation of the supplied function block allows an indirect write-access to all
PLC data types.
All byte-structured data types can also be accessed in bit-mode.
It is also possible to access all individual bytes of a data word within a data block.
5.3 Protocol parameters 3964/RK512
The parameters of the interface SER1 are set to the following values:
Baud rate: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 375000,
500000 Baud
Parity: none, even, odd
Data length: 5, 6, 7, 8 Bits
Stop bits: 1, 1.5, 2
Handshake: no handshake, hardware, software
The default parameters of the programming system are printed in bold.
The following protocol parameter settings are also available for interface SER1:
- communications block number
- data word offset
- coordination flag number
- coordination flag bit
- protocol with/without coordination flag
- block check
- CPU number
The interface parameters of the communications module must comply with the
parameters of the operating terminal.
5.3.1 PLC Configuration
To allow write-access to all PLC data, it is merely necessary to install the supplied
function block and to execute it at cyclic intervals.
In addition, a coordination flag must be defined and a data block must be created as
communications block with a size of 128 bytes.
This communications block and coordination flag must be specified to the supplied
function block as parameter.