
Data Type Structure Section 5-4
d) Floating Point Number
The data are interpreted in the Siemens floating point format.
e) Binary Variables with a Length of 1, 2 or 4 Bytes
Data with a length of 2 bytes are interpreted in the PLC-conformal byte order for
Data with a length of 4 bytes are interpreted in the PLC-conformal byte order for
long words.
5.4.1 Data Types
Direct accessing of the following data types is possible:
E input bits (bit access)
A output bits (bit access)
M flag bits (bit access)
EB input bytes (byte access)
AB output bytes (byte access)
MB flag bytes (byte access)
EW input word (word access)
AW output word (word access)
MW flag word (word access)
ED input double word (double word access)
AD output double word (double word access)
MD flag double word (double word access)
DW data word (word access)
DL data word, left-hand (high) (word access)
DR data word, right-hand (low) (word access)
DD data double word (double word access)
T timer (word access)
Z counter (word access)
The size of each data area is governed by the CPU of the PLC.