
Message Transmission of Data Section 5-8
5.8.1 Structure Message Header (10 bytes) Transmission of Data
Function ASCII Hex Comment
1. Byte Message 00 always 00
2. Byte identifier 00 always 00
3. Byte Data direction A 41 A = Transmission
4. Byte Command D 44 D = Data block
5. Byte 2 Byte Destination Data block
6. Byte Data word
7. Byte 2 Byte number of data Number of words
8. Byte
9. Byte Coordination flag number FF indicates without
10. Byte Coordination flag bit FF Coord. flag
The destination for data to be transmitted is always a data block.
5.8.2 Special Features of the Protocol 3964R
A write-access to data is possible in data blocks only.
I.e. only the data type DW allows a direct write-access to the respective destination.
To allow a write-access to all data yet, the data are transmitted to a defined data
block, the communications block.
In this case, the destination, comprising 4 bytes, must be added in front of the data
prior to transmission.
5.8.3 Assignment of Bytes 1-4
Destination Access Data type Command Data-Number Byte-Parameter Word-Parameter
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Bytes 3+4
Input Bit I 10 1 Byte Bit-No. Offset
Output Bit Q 11 1 Byte Bit-No. Offset
Flag Bit F 12 1 Byte Bit-No. Offset
Input Byte IB 1 n Bytes Offset
Output Byte QB 2 n Bytes Offset
Flag Byte FB 3 n Bytes Offset
Input Word IW 1 n Bytes Offset
Output Word QW 2 n Bytes Offset
Flag Word FW 3 n Bytes Offset
Input Word ID 1 n Bytes Offset
Output Word QD 2 n Bytes Offset
Flag Word FD 3 n Bytes Offset
HIGH-Byte DB Byte DL 26 1 Byte DB DW
LOW-Byte DB Byte DR 27 1 Byte DB DW
Counter Word C 20 n Bytes Offset
Timer Word T 21 n Bytes Offset