Operation Manual

Instruction Manual
Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you will enjoy using the appliance.
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
Important information for your safety is specially marked. It is essential to comply with
these instructions in order to avoid accidents and prevent damage to the machine:
This warns you of dangers to your health and indicates possible injury risks.
This refers to possible hazards to the machine or other objects.
This highlights tips and information.
General Notes
Read the operating instructions carefully before putting the appliance into operation and
keep the instructions including the warranty, the receipt and, if possible, the box with the
internal packing. If you give this device to other people, please also pass on the operating
• Theapplianceisdesignedexclusivelyforprivateuseandfortheenvisagedpurpose.
This appliance is not fit for commercial use.
• Donotuseitoutdoors.Keepitawayfromsourcesofheat,directsunlight,humidity
(never dip it into any liquid) and sharp edges. Do not use the appliance with wet hands.
If the appliance is humid or wet, unplug it immediately.
• Whencleaningorputtingitaway,switchofftheapplianceandalwayspullouttheplug
from the socket (pull the plug itself, not the lead) if the appliance is not being used and
remove the attached accessories.
• Donot operate the machine without supervision. If you leave the room you should
always turn the device off. Remove the plug from the socket.
• Thedeviceandthemainsleadhavetobecheckedregularlyforsignsofdamage.If
damage is found the device must not be used.
• Useonlyoriginalspareparts.
• Inordertoensureyourchildren’ssafety,pleasekeepallpackaging(plasticbags,boxes,
polystyrene etc.) out of their reach.