Operation Manual

• Youalsocansavethestationtoyourfavoritewhile
scrolling through the station list. When the station is
highlighted you can press to enter this menu where
you can add the station to your favorites.
it again.
• Underthepresetstationlist,movetoyourstation,press
OK to listen. You may also press
to enter its submenu
to Delete, Shift Up, Shift Down along the list, Rename
or Play.
Radio Station / Music
• Stationsarecategorizedinto Global Top 20, Genre,
Country / Location and Highlight. Enter to continue
the subcategories and choose the station to listen.
• Foreachstation,pressOK to play directly. You may
press to enter its submenu. You can Add to Favorite,
Auto Scan or Play.
• WhenyouchooseAuto Scan, the radio introduces
every station in the list by playing it for 30 seconds. This
is stopped when every station is played or you press the
OK button.
• Showsyoualistoflastlistenedstations.Itcansaveup
to 10 history stations.
• Foreachstation,pressOK to play directly. You may
press to enter its submenu. You can Add to Favorite,
Auto Scan or Play.
• WhenyouchooseAuto Scan, the radio introduces
every station in the list by playing it for 30 seconds. This
is stopped when every station is played or you press the
OK button.
• Search Radio Station: Enter your keyword by the
remote control to search radio station from the list.
• Add New Radio Station: The added stations will be
stored in My Favorite.
Media Center
• Ifyouhavesetupsharedmedia,youshouldseethe
shared media from UPnP. If you have more than one
computer sharing media, the alternatives are listed.
Select the shared media you want to play.
• Press
/ on the remote control to play previous/
nextmusictrack.Press to stop or play.
• PressINFO on the remote to view the display informa-
tion of the playing track.
• Tips: The radio can only read the track of file names with
less than 40 characters. And the characters should be in
European language. If you encounter failure of reading
the track under UPnP mode, you may try to rename the
file. However, if the track is still unable to play, you can
try converting the file to a different format.
My Playlist
• Youcancreateaplaylistofyourfavoritemusicfrom
UPnP. When you play the music, press and hold OK to
save it into My Playlist.
Clear My Playlist
• YoucanremoveallthesavedmusicunderMy Playlist.
• FMradiomodereceivesanalogueradiofromtheFM
band. (Refer to FM Setup section)
• Press /
to search for FM stations. The frequency dis-
play starts to run up as IR 4468 BT scans the FM band. It
stops when it has received a station.
• Youmaypress
on the remote control to tune
station manually. Each step moves 0.05 MHz.
• PressandholdPRESET on the remote control and
device to save the station.
• Youcansaveupto20stations,pressPRESET, and then
press /
on the remote control to choose the saved
• Alternatively,youcanletthesystemscanALLstations
for you by pressing OK; the searched stations will auto
matically be stored in preset station list.
Information Center
Weather Information
• Thereareweatherinformationandforecastsfor
2000 cities. Select the country and then the city for the
weather details.
• Press /
to see the weather forecasts.
• Itisabletodisplaytheweatherinformationonthe
standby mode. On the weather information page, press
OK to set the city to displaying on the standby mode.
Then turn on the weather display as mentioned in
Weather section.
System Information
• Checkouttheversionofthesystem,andthedetailsof
connected network.
• PresstheM button on the IR 4468 BT or the /
MODE button on the remote control until the display
or select Bluetooth in the main menu.
when pairing starts.