Operation Manual

7. Start the machine with the ON/
OFF switch. The power indicator
light will come on and hot water
will  ow into the  lter. If the ma-
chine is not turned o manually, the
Safety Auto-O function turns it o
after 120 minutes. For the thermo
jug model, the machine is auto-
matically turned o after brewing.
8. If the jug is removed, the  lter
valve prevents co ee from dripping
onto the warming plate. (While
preparing co ee, the jug must
not be removed for longer than
30 seconds or the  lter will over-
9. The Aroma Selector extends the
brewing time to maximize the  a-
vour extraction and get a stronger
co ee for a small number of cups
(normally less than 6). Press the
Aroma button, the aroma icon will
turn on.
AEG IFU Florence Coffeemaker 5lang.indd 16 07.03.11 13:47